Saturday Night Jamboree holds annual cookout

Published 6:23 pm Friday, August 10, 2018

The Saturday night Jamboree held its annual hotdog cookout July 14 at the Redmen’s Lodge in Washington. Loving volunteer Carolyn Jefferson and Kathy Scrape registered 121 clients, while Russell Jefferson kept a close watch at the door, and DJ Kenny Beacham played music for dancing, listening and toe-tapping pleasure.

Redmen member Kenny Beacham called games of BINGO and all winners received $1.  Other caring volunteers helping for the evening were Marvin Alligood, Tillie Braddy, Tine Woolard, Michael Cutler, Martha Seigman, Joyce Carawan and Kathy Lilly.

A special performance by the Church of God 15th St. New Missions class was led by Terry Connors and Shellie Hodges. The class sang and performed sign language to “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” They also led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag, Christian flag and the Bible. John Farmer asked the blessing.

Redmen members served hotdogs and trimmings. Those serving included Leslie Jordan, Kenny Beacham, Gill Davis, Page Davis, Lawrence Beacham, Susan Davis, Kip and Susan Huss and Kristen Baker.

Kenny Beacham led the activities and thanked the Redmen for the wonderful meal.  Participants with July birthdays were honored with a birthday hat while everyone sang “Happy Birthday,” led by Martha Seigman and Joyce Carawan.

The Saturday Night Jamboree is celebrating 45 years of monthly events and most of those have been at the Redmen Lodge with support from many dedicated Redmen. The lodge has also been used by many persons in our communities for many years.

The next Jamboree will be held Aug. 11, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. All mentally/physically-challenged residents and all volunteers are urged to attend.

Submitted by Tine Woolard, Secretary, SNJ

Please contact Marlene Sprouse 252-229-7831 for more information regarding the Saturday Night Jamboree.