The needs are real

Published 8:16 pm Thursday, August 30, 2018

Food, water, safety, security, rest and shelter — these are the most basic of human needs. These are also things many of us take for granted in our daily lives. For many, right here in our community, these needs can sometimes go unfulfilled.
While the reasons a person may not have access to these basic needs are many and varied, the fact remains that there are people in our community who do not have a home. They may not have easy access to food and clean water. Without these basics, existence can be a daily struggle.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, 8,925 people were living in poverty in Beaufort County in 2016. Based on community point-in-time counts conducted in January, 2017, 37 people were homeless in Beaufort County, with all 37 counted being housed in emergency shelters.
The good news is that there are organizations and people in Beaufort County who have taken up the cause of meeting the needs of those who struggle to provide these basic needs for themselves and their families. Organizations like Eagle’s Wings, Zion Shelter, and others do amazing things with limited resources, and these worthy causes deserve support.
It is easy to turn our backs on the downtrodden. It is simple to say that they should do something to improve their situation, or to look down from a life of comfort and pass judgment over those who struggle to make ends meet.
Just imagine how many of us live just one paycheck away from being in a similar situation. Life can change in an instant with a lost job, a wrecked car or an unexpected illness.
Fortunately, when those things happen, there is a safety net in Beaufort County to prevent people from falling through the cracks.
Those of us who can should try and help in some form or fashion. Whether volunteering at one of our local nonprofits, or making financial or material contributions, there is always something that we can do to help.