Preparing for the potential storm

Published 7:08 pm Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, and according to, hurricanes are most active in the month of September. Due to this fact, Gov. Roy Cooper declared September to be North Carolina Preparedness Month.

It is important to prepare for a hurricane ahead of time, that way you’re not scrambling around for supplies once it becomes apparent where the storm will hit and you already have a plan of action in case of an emergency.

The first step is to visit the county website at to sign up for Hyper-Reach, and get automatic emergency notifications from the county through texts, emails and/or phone calls.

Putting together an emergency kit is an important step to take in preparing for a hurricane. You may be on your own for hours or even days after a hurricane hits, as fire fighters and police can’t always reach everyone quickly, and basic services such as water, gas, power and sewage treatment might not work for several days. According to, you’re emergency kit should contain enough water, food and supplies to last three to seven days for each person and pet. It is important for all the supplies to be kept in one place, and be sure every person in the household knows where the kit is kept.

The National Hurricane Center also provides tips on how to prepare for a hurricane on its website,

Gather Information

Know if you live in an evacuation area. Assess your risks and know your home’s vulnerability to storm surgeflooding and wind. Understand National Weather Service forecast products and especially the meaning of NWS watches and warnings.

Contact your local National Weather Service office and local government/emergency management office. Find out what type of emergencies could occur and how you should respond.


Keep a list of contact information for reference.

  • Emergency Management Offices
  • County Law Enforcement
  • County Public Safety Fire/Rescue
  • State, County and City/Town Government
  • Local Hospitals
  • Local Utilities
  • Local American Red Cross
  • Local TV Stations
  • Local Radio Stations
  • Your Property Insurance Agent
  • Plan and Take Action

Everyone needs to be prepared for the unexpected. Your friends and family may not be together when disaster strikes.

  • How will you find each other?
  • Will you know if your children or parents are safe?
  • You may have to evacuate or be confined to your home. What will you do if water, gas, electricity or phone services are shut off?

Emergency Plans

Develop and document plans for your specific risks.

Please take the time to properly prepare for a hurricane before there is one bearing down on eastern North Carolina. Waiting for the last moment possible would be a foolhardy mistake. For more assistance in preparing and planning for a hurricane, visit