Mayor: Aurora ‘faring pretty good’

Published 2:11 pm Friday, September 14, 2018

Aurora Mayor Clif Williams said the Town of Aurora is doing well considering the circumstances of Hurricane Florence.

“We’re fairing pretty good, but like I said, we’ve got a lots of power lines down. I can’t imagine what’s down between here and there,” Williams said.

The town has had no power since about 8 p.m. Thursday, and since Spectrum is down, so are phones, internet and TV.

“We really don’t know what’s going on unless you have a radio,” Williams said. “We’ve never had that.”

Williams said there’s substantial flooding on Main Street, and the town is surrounded by flooded fields. He said the water has receded some in the past few hours.

Aurora was hit hard by Hurricane Irene in 2011, and when asked to compare the two storms, Williams said timing was the issue.

“It’s outlasted (Irene). That’s the biggest problem. This thing has been here for 17, 18 hours, that we’ve been getting hammered and it’s still got a ways to go,” Williams said.