Richland Seniors host Woodmen of the World

Published 7:10 pm Friday, October 12, 2018

The Richland seniors met on Sept. 4 with guests Curtis Rogers and Audrey Woolard from The Woodman of the World. We were presented a flag of the USA, as our current flag was destroyed by the elements. Many thanks to them for taken care of our needs.
Our Oct. 2 meeting was opened by President Ann Cayton, with Mary Ellen Galloway giving the devotion followed by the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Welcomed were Lois Sadler, a new member, Dorothy Leffel and Shirley Nanny (after being unable to attend for several months), and we were delighted to have Cathy Newman with us, the daughter of Dorothy Leffel. The minutes were read and approved. No treasurer’s report was given at this time .
Our guest speaker was Michelle Smith-Hawley, nutritionist from Vidant in Washington. We enjoyed her very good presentation of nutritious foods that are better for our health.
Sandy Trimmer gave a report on our attendance at the Aurora Community Night Out. It was a fun time, and we’re looking forward to next one — it was a huge success.
No day trips will be planned for the rest of the year due to Florence, we will have our usual Club Holiday Lunch in January 2019.
Our Seniors Christmas Party will be held on Dec. 1 at the Aurora Community Center from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Please come and let us entertain you; refreshments will be served.