Partnership for Children is putting ‘Books in Motion’

Published 7:20 pm Monday, October 15, 2018

Beaufort-Hyde Partnership for Children has books — lots of them. Now the organization is looking for volunteers to help sort them, so they can land in the hands of those who need them.

Daily News readers might recall a story printed two weeks ago about a warehouse of books the warehouse owner, Bill Litchfield, was giving away to anyone interested. Many people took Litchfield up on the offer, browsing through the collection left there by a previous warehouse tenant. Beaufort-Hyde Partnership for Children has landed the rest of them and is now determined to set those “Books in Motion” to get them to the many organizations that can use them.

“We have piles of books. We have folks that need books — prions, alternative school, Boys & Girls Clubs, Literacy Volunteers — but what we now need are volunteers to count and sort those books in order to distribute them out into the community,” Lisa Woolard, BHPC’s executive director, wrote in an email.

Described as a “mountain of books,” cases of reading material ranging from new to antique, from children’s reading to adult fiction and non-fiction, were dropped off at BHPC’s office warehouse space with hope that the books could be used by local literacy and educational organizations.

“Bill (Litchfield) was kind enough to donate thousands of books to the Partnership. We are now planning thee workdays to sort and count books so that we can get them out in the community,” Kris Bowen, BHPC’s literacy and outreach coordinator, wrote in an email.

The first sorting session is planned for Wednesday. Two more Wednesdays in November—Nov. 7 and Nov. 28—are on the schedule, as well. Volunteers are invited to join BHPC for one or all sessions, and school groups, book clubs and others are encouraged to participate.

For more information about volunteering, contact Kris Bowen at 252-975-4647, ext. 7, or email

Beaufort-Hyde Partnership for Children is located at 979 Washington Square Mall, Washington.