A positive example for all to follow

Published 12:24 pm Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Recently, as I was having lunch at my church, a name was brought up that is a true Washington legend. The word legend may not be big enough to describe this person — John Morgan.

John Morgan is a native of Beaufort County and has helped so many and in so many different ways.

Growing up, I remembered seeing him walk the sidelines at Pam Pack football games. John was the sports editor at the Washington Daily News, and for a long time I thought he was an assistant for Coach Wagner until my Dad told me otherwise. He made sure that our names were in the paper after every game. Young boys love to see their names in print, and Mr. Morgan made sure we were mentioned. This even occurred during the summer at our Little Tar Heel League games.

John Morgan was married to the love of his life, Geneva. The two were the perfect couple. If you visited Dr. Dave’s office you had to pass Geneva’s exam before seeing Dr. Dave. (She always gave a better shot than Dr. Dave). He and Geneva worked hard together to help the mentally handicapped have a better life.

Mr. Clyde Roberson was telling me about their scouting days, and together they led a troop for more than 20 years. That meant many nights sleeping under the stars, but still, helping young men become better people through their scouting experiences.

John served Beaufort County for 28 years as our Register of Deeds. This was a public office, but he was always willing to help his fellow Beaufort County men and women. My Mom once said, “Service is the rent we pay for living on earth.” If that is the case in John Morgan’s life, then he has paid his rent and always with the trademark, that John Morgan smile! I have not seen Mr. Morgan in many years but can see him walking uptown, waving and giving everyone that John Morgan smile. He never had a bad day, and if he did, he kept it to himself.

Ronald Alligood mentioned at breakfast one day that John still attends the Methodist Church on a regular basis. Ronald is kind enough to pick Mr. Morgan up each Sunday to make sure he gets there, at age 96. He is an amazing person! We could call him a renaissance man among the many other titles. John has authored a book, “A Pleasant Gale on My Lee.” This tells of his experiences on the Pamlico River and Outer Banks as a young boy. It gives readers a total different perspective of life on the river and the Outer Banks from a youngster growing up. The terms Blue Monday and pound nets are a few terms that I learned from his writings, among others.

Our world today could use more John Morgans. Among the chaos and strife in our country, men like John Morgan are needed. They would be setting positive examples for all to follow. If he were able, he would be walking up Market Street waving and smiling at everyone, while trying to make our Washington better for those that live here. Thank you, Mr. John Morgan, for all you have done!!

The best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places, Washington, NC! — Harold Jr.

Harold Robinson Jr. is a native of Washington.