Start off right

Published 5:13 pm Monday, December 31, 2018

So goes another circuit around the sun. It’s 2019 now. For some of us, it will be harder to leave 2018 behind than for others.

For some, New Year’s Eve marks something momentous — it’s the ceremonial start of something new. The dawning of a new era. A time to put the past behind and look forward to the future. It’s the perfect moment to shed all those hang-ups that held one back last year and recognize the full potential of tomorrow.

For others, it’s just another day, spend at home without ceremony or pageantry. It’s the same as the day before, and the day to come. Clock in, clock out, continue the cycle. Perhaps worst of all, it means getting used to putting a new date on the checks and having to buy a new calendar.

While there’s nothing wrong with either of these views, the later is clearly a bit more on the cynical side of life. Maybe it’s even a little bit more realistic. Even still, there’s something to be said for new beginnings. It’s nice to get a fresh start.

It’s a running joke how often and how quickly New Year’s resolutions fail, even to the point where many don’t bother with the idea. Although New Year’s is an arbitrary time to make goals for self-improvement, that doesn’t make those goals and aspirations any less valid.

Doing something for the betterment of one’s self is always worthwhile. So if you see a friend falter on their resolution, don’t laugh. Give them a hand back up. Maybe even try to set a resolution of your own, whether it be this week or in the middle of June.

Whatever your views on New Year’s and its resolutions, best of luck starting 2019 off right.