Coding, tennis and painting: summer programs for kids & teens

Published 5:32 pm Friday, June 7, 2019

We have summer programs for kids and teens so they can have a good time, make new friends, stay active and explore new hobbies and careers. You can sign up online for all of these classes or call 252-940-6375 to register. Scholarships are available for qualifying children.

Beginner Tennis (ages 6 and up)

Tennis is vigorous, exciting, and fun. Please join Doug Barthel, proprietor and tennis pro at The Racquet Club of Washington, and take up this game for a lifetime. Learn all the basic strokes of tennis: forehands, backhands, volleys, overheads, and serves. Learn positioning and movement on the court. We have rackets or bring your own. Just wear comfortable clothes and soft-soled shoes please. And be ready to play! No class week of July 4. These classes take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Mondays from June 17 to July 29. They cost $95 and take place at the Racquet Club of Washington.

Kids Can Code! (ages 6 to 8)

The creators of Minecraft and Angry Birds started just like this; they learned the foundations of coding. Spend four mornings having fun and learning how to make things happen on a computer screen. Students will learn coding persistence and resilience as they control figures on a screen, create an avatar, and have action and movement in a background. Please bring your own headphones and be prepared to have some coding fun. This class takes place from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. from July 8-July 11. It costs $60.

A Fancy Dress-up Tea Party (ages 6 to 10)

Do join us, would you? Dress in your finest dress-uppery, and we’ll have additional boas, jewels, and tiaras to add. We will take a leisurely stroll around Building 8 so that everyone can admire our ensembles. Then we will set the table for a delightful tea party, and learn some proper party manners as we do. We will all sit down to enjoy savory and sweet dainties with our tea.

This single session class will take place from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on June 20 and costs $25.

Painting for Fun (grades 1 to 5)

Exercise creativity as you apply bright acrylic paints to stretch canvases. Feel pride in the painting you carry home along with the skill of painting for fun. We provide all the supplies in this art class. Please wear appropriate clothes for painting. Kathy Barthel at the Happy Canvas located in Racquet Club of Washington teaches these classes. Two separate classes will take place from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. on Tuesday-Thursday. The first class takes place June 25-June 27; the second class takes place July 23-July 25. They cost $60, and they will be held at the Racquet Club of Washington.

Decoy Painting (ages 7 to 12)

Paint a beautiful duck decoy that you will always be proud to display. Along the way, learn about that duck and how it fits in to the environment of Eastern Carolina. The East Carolina Wildfowl Guild will guide this painting workshop, and its members will explain the importance of conserving wildfowl in our area. Enjoy a creative activity and learn about our native ducks and geese. This single session class will take place 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. on June 19, and it only costs $15.

Learn to Play Piano (rising 3rd to 6th grade)

Spend four evenings uncovering musical talent. We have the keyboards for learning simple tunes that will lead to the pleasure of making music. Playing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star gives a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Participants may discover the desire to continue musical training after this class. This class will take place at 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 9-July 18. The class costs $40.

CSI: BoCo (rising 5th to 7th grade)

A crime has been committed. The scene is waiting for young detectives to investigate, gather evidence, record observations, and help solve the case. Investigator Wesley Waters of the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office will help us. Students will learn the scientific methods of investigation and interrogation. They will test for prints, blood, and other evidence; properly manage the crime scene; assemble the evidence for presentation; bring the perpetrator to justice; and they will have fun in the process. This two-day class will take place on July 8 and July 9 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. It costs only $35.

Knights and Ladies of the Court (rising 5th to 8th grade)

We hold this class on the stage so that budding thespians can experience the joy and fun of performing. Spend four days learning about acting, improv, and stage movement. Learn technical skills that support the production of a play. Practice storytelling. Spend time producing props, puppets, and stage makeup. In the last session, we will have a Renaissance themed performance that includes a dragon, court dancing, jesters, armored knights, crowned ladies, and jousting. You will be a star! All supplies included in this $60 class. Join us from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. from July 8-July 11.