Don’t forget dear old dad

Published 8:34 pm Tuesday, June 11, 2019

For Mother’s Day, we pull out all the stops — flowers, balloons, cards, etc. We go to great lengths to remind mom that she is loved and appreciated. This weekend, be sure to do the same for dad.

Dating back to the Middle Ages, a celebration of fatherhood has traditionally fallen in March in Catholic countries, celebrating Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. In the U.S. the tradition of honoring fathers has been celebrated since the early 20th century.

The first observance of Fathers Day was held July 5, 1908 in West Virginia. Since then, it has been adopted nationwide as a time to honor and celebrate the man of the house. Today, the occasion is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in 88 countries around the world.

While some may say that it’s an invention of the greeting card industry, Father’s Day is far more — its time to honor the men who have had a positive influence in your life. Whether a biological father, an adopted father or simply a strong male role model or influence in your life, Father’s Day is made for them all.

So this weekend, take a minute to tell dad how you feel. Whether with a card, some new socks or a nice dinner on the town, it will no doubt be appreciated. However you say ‘thank you,’ don’t miss the perfect opportunity to do so.