Friends for life were made back then

Published 3:37 pm Monday, September 2, 2019

Recently the Class of 1960 had its annual Summer Bash, which is really a class reunion. They invited me to speak briefly about growing up in Washington, and I was delighted to do so. It was more of a privilege for me than any type of chore. They have always made me feel as if I was part of their class, and little did they know the difference they made in my life growing up.

The people in the room were more like role models to me growing up. They influenced many of the young kids my age and made us want to be just like them when we got to high school. Whether it was athletics, cheerleading, clubs or academics, we wanted to be like them. There were too many to name, and I am afraid I might leave some out, so I will not mention names, but it is always pleasure to hear their stories. It was so strange to hear their stories and compare them to the experiences I had growing up because they were so similar in comparison.

The members of this class were heroes to me and the others my age. Their stories about Junior-Senior Coronation Ball, homecoming night and dances were so similar to the stories that I could have told. These people have all grown up to be successful in their chosen fields and just being in their presence was rewarding enough for me.

Please let me encourage every class to do the same as the Class of 1960 and see one another at least once a year. As we are getting older, our friendships mean more to us than ever. My very own class (1967) has some of my very best friends who gave me the opportunity to tell about growing up in a small town. We tried to duplicate the classes before us and the experiences they had. None can really be duplicated as the personalities change, though the fun was the same. From throwing eggs at the seniors during Junior-Senior week to homecoming nights, they were the same. We all grew up in a time that was special to each of us whether in Washington or surrounding towns.

The Class of 1960 will be celebrating its 60th anniversary as a class next year. It is my hope that they will have the time of their lives getting together again. For the examples they have set and the role models they provided, we all have enjoyed our days at Washington High School and growing up in Washington. Our bonds are close and the Class of 1960 demonstrates that every year as they gather. They act like brothers and sisters and accept one another for who they are now. Smiles were abundant!

Young folks, please take a lesson from an old ball coach and stay in touch with your classmates as often as you can. They will always be there for you, and the older you get the more you will appreciate the times you shared with them. Look forward to each reunion and cherish the moments that you have with your classmates. There is no place like home; please believe me as I tell you that. When the bullets start to fly, who do you want in your foxhole? For me, it is my classmates because they have always been there and I do not see it changing.

They were the best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places, Washington, N.C.!


— Harold Jr.

Harold Robinson Jr. is a native of Washington.