Deed transfers: Oct. 7-13, 2019

Published 6:25 pm Monday, October 21, 2019

The following land transactions were made in Beaufort County during the period of Oct. 7-13, 2019.


Oct. 7

Robert D. Saunders to Buttersmith Holdings LLC, three lots, Wanoca, Washington Township.

William W. Nicholls Jr. to William W. Nicholls Jr. (tr), two tracts, Old Pamlico Beach Road, Bath Township.

Linda Faye Woolard to Linda Faye Woolard, 1.121 acres, lot 3, Helen Tunstall property.


Oct. 8

Shirley Virginia Gaylord to Mohsen Mubarez, 1.121 acres, lot 3, Helen Tunstall property.

Harvey Wright Raynor III to Michael A. Runge, three tracts, Belhaven.

William Henry Daniels to Bryan H. Daniels, property at Tate Road and Wrights Creek, Bath Township.

Timothy A. Emanuel to Bryan A. Emanuel, lot 455, Cypress Landing, Chocowinity Township.


Oct. 9

Dottie R. Cutler to Mark F. Cutler, two tracts, 9.72 acres, 16.10 acres, Long Acre Township.

Mark F. Cutler to Dottie R. Cutler, two tracts, 10.96 acres, 14.85 acres, Long Acre Township.

Donna Michele Cowell to Jennifer Tinsley Avery, two parcels, Cypress Circle, Beechtree Road, Macswoods, Washington Township.

Manning and Manning LLC to Lovell N. Manning, property in Bath Township.

Charles T. O’Neal Sr. to Allyson M. Midgette, 2.5 acres, Stell Road, Bath Township.

Lois Jean McKinley to Bobby Dean Whichard, two lots, .948 acres, .880 acres, Washington.

Stephen N. Butler to Alfred M. Dobler, lot 357, Cypress Landing, Chocowinity Township.

American IRA LLC to Amy R. Thorne, lot 15, .49 acres, Bath Township.


Oct. 10

Metropolitan AME Zion Church to Metropolitan Housing and Community Development Corporation Inc., two tracts, .24 acres, .13 acres, Washington.

Joseph E. Wynne to Robert V. Butler, 3 acres, U.S. Highway 17, Washington Township.

Herbert D. May to Bruce Garver (tr), lot 52A, Macswoods, Washington Township.

Bonnie F. Ahlberg to Timothy J. Gile, three tracts, lots 83-93 Teach’s Point, Bath Township.

Albert L. Scharringhausen to Mark N. Way, lot 16, Pamlico Bluffs, Chocowinity Township.

Kevin H. Hardy to Barbara J. Hardy, .432 acres, Chocowinity Township.

Wentworth Construction LLC to Zack J. Waters, lot 19, Cypress Landing, Chocowinity Township.

Joseph A. Paul to David W. Jones, 13.463 acres, Beaufort County.

Joseph Robert Adams to Richard Adam Boyd, 2.07 acres, N.C. Highway 99, Pantego Township.

Joseph Robert Adams to Richard Adam Boyd, five tracts, Pungo River, N.C. Highway 99, Pantego Township.


Oct. 11

Robby D. Cuthrell to Jamie Suggs, lot 2, Beaufort County.

Jean M. Kruczynski to Derwin C. Williams, lot 46, South Bay Pointe.

Bertha F. Williams to Bertha F. Williams, tract 8, 6.38 acres, Chocowinity Township.

Kirk R. Harris to Alice M. Phillips, lots 1-2, Match Point, Washington.

Leon Whitney to Cynthia Renee Whitney, two tracts, lot 75 Delta City, 2.289 acres Pine Street, Pantego Township.

Kevin Hawks to Carol Anne Harrell, lot 15, Portside, Chocowinity Township.

Todd W. Venters to James O. Arthur, lot 52, Tranters Run, Washington Township.

Edward L. Hughes to Department of Transportation, .594 acres, U.S. Highway 17, Washington Township.

Todd B. Morrisette to Amanda Nicole Leggett, lot 9, block E, Pamlico Village.

Richard P. Scibek to Brian K. Fish, two tracts, Bailey Pointe, Bath Township.

Jimmy Slade to Debra Elene Hill, lot 12, Augustus Windley property, Bath Township.

Jaunita E. Mills to Katherine Davis Mallette, lot 56, Pungo Shores, Bath Township.

Samuel Thomas Robbins to Linda M. Merritt, .23 acres, East Main and Edward streets, Belhaven.