Accused sex offender arrested in Columbia

Published 12:39 pm Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Martin Worley, 50, of Detroit, Mich., was taken into custody in Columbia on Nov. 26 and served with a fugitive warrant for five counts of criminal sexual conduct with a female child under the age of 13, Tyrrell County Sheriff Kevin Sawyer reports.

After the sheriff’s office received information about a fugitive from Michigan being in the county, Tyrrell sheriff’s officers, along with the U.S Marshal Service’s Fugitive Task Force and the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, located Worley in Columbia.

He was taken into custody and served with the fugitive warrant.

Worley was denied bond and is being held in the custody of the Tyrrell County Sheriff’s Office.

His next court date is set for Dec. 4 in District Court in Columbia.