Columbia tax collections behind past years

Published 10:29 pm Thursday, February 6, 2020

Property tax charges mailed out last summer began accruing penalties and interest on Jan. 6.

As of that date, Columbia property owners had paid $198,471 to the town tax collector. That amount is 64.6% of the $307,294 the board of aldermen levied for the fiscal year that will end next June 30.

But, at the same time in 2019, taxpayers had handed over $72.9% of the then current year’s levy. On Jan. 6, 2018, the collection total was 63.5%; in 2017, 71.4%; and in 2016, 72.4%, town manager Rhett White reported to the aldermen Jan. 6.

However, payments amounting to $30,730 will kick that 64.6% up 10 points, more than last year’s figure, which, White has said before, sometimes happens in a single day.