Youth soccer registration deadline approaching

Published 2:44 pm Friday, July 7, 2023

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By SEAN ROCCA / For The Washington Daily News

Registration for the fall soccer season closes on July 15. The league is run by the Optimist Club of Washington, an organization that puts on many of the soccer events in Washington.

The Vice President of Optimist Club, Tom Anglim, said the best way to register is on the Optimist Club website. “There are various roles people can register for,” Anglim said. “People can register as players, coaches, and volunteers all through the website.”

The application costs $80 for the fall season. This can be paid for through the website or by sending a check to the Optimist Club.

The league is open to anyone between four and 15 years old. There are multiple divisions that vary based on age group. The playing age is determined by how old the player is as of August 31.

Anglim said practices will begin in late August and games will start the weekend after Labor Day. The season ends in late October. Beyond season play, there will be some other opportunities to play.

“There will be a tournament after Veterans Day in November,” Anglim said. “It is a big tourney; there will be seven or eight counties represented there. We expect to send six to eight teams in various age groups.”

Games for the regular season will be on Saturday and Sunday. Practices are once a week for four through six-year-olds and twice a week for all other age groups. All games and practices will be at the McConnell Susiegray Sports Complex. These fields just had lights installed and Anglim is hoping this will lead to more flexibility in practice and game times.

“It is a real benefit to have the lights. It allows us to have practice times begin later and potentially make up games at night. The city has been great to work with and it is great to see the fields have lights for the first time,” Anglim said.

If any applications are submitted after July 15, they will be put on a waiting list. If there is space on a team, waitlisted players will be placed on a team in the order they were registered.