Small signs help keep us afloat

Published 12:48 am Saturday, September 3, 2011

To the Editor:

A crab pot story.

I am Scott Ellis, a local business owner in Belhaven. On Aug. 31, as I usually do, I went to lunch on the waterfront in Belhaven. Just a few days after Hurricane Irene ravaged this town and most of eastern North Carolina. Nothing unusual, ate, then parked at “the beach” and got out to walk my usual 20 minute walk. Piles of debris everywhere, utility trucks, phone trucks, backhoes, and dump trucks hustling and bustling.

Everyone has worked so hard … Thank you!

On my walk I had the good fortune to pick up three stray crab pot buoys. Nice additions to my collection. After my walk, I rode around town to take in the sights. I noticed a young lady mowing a lot and thought I spotted a buoy nearby. After cruising the town, I circled back to inquire about the buoy. As it turned out, the young lady is Daphne (Bond) Cullom. I knew her father well, he was one of my customers. Mr. Waverly Bond was both a family man and well respected gentleman in this community.

She said there were no buoys in the yards she was mowing. So I looked next door and found the buoy. Had my prize in my hand. But when I read the identification on it … I knew it wasn’t mine. It was one of Daphne’s father’s buoys, superscription unmistakably: “W.W. Bond.” I walked over and gave it to Daphne and said: “Here, you need to have this.”

You see, Waverly passed away in 2007 due to cancer.

He just wanted to say hello to his daughter, and bless both of our days.

The skeptics and agnostics would say bah humbug … just coincidence! The psychologists would want to throw us on a couch.

But Daphne and I know it’s God’s small signs that help keep us afloat.

Watch for your buoys.

Pungo River Pharmacy Inc.