City faces battle of the budget
Published 8:42 am Thursday, March 12, 2009
By Staff
College students, staff help out during TV taping
Lifestyles &Features Editor
A group of students and staff from Beaufort County Community College are getting a first-hand look at the making of a TV show this week.
They’re working as volunteers at the Jamesville job site of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” which is building a new house for the Cooper family — mom Clara, dad Jeff and children Windy and Aaron. The BCCC group spent much of Tuesday afternoon at the site and will return today and Friday.
While some folks are dropping by the site as spectators, those from BCCC are working behind the scenes. Some manned the registration desk, others helped clean the site and some served lunch in the catering tent.
Many of the BCCC group are members of the Gamma Beta Phi honor society. From 12 to 15 college volunteers a day are working at the site, Jones said. Several have signed up for multiple days, she added.
One student, Tom Van Der Have, found roofing skills he picked up while volunteering with Habitat for Humanity earned him a spot on the front line.
Van Der Have was recruited to work on the structure, which is off-limits to everyone else.
Van Der Have said he plans to return to the site today, this time armed with his tool belt.
There was some initial disappointment that Ty Pennington, the show’s popular host, wasn’t on site Tuesday. But fans from BCCC were happy to settle for a chance encounter with costar Ed Sanders.
They’re hoping to meet with Pennington before filming concludes Friday when the completed house is revealed.
For more photos of the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” project, see Pamlico Horizons in Sunday’s Washington Daily News.
Cutline for corresponding photo: Beaufort County Community College students (from left) Kendal Hayden, Natasha Owens and Sonya Bryant serve lunch to workers Tuesday during a visit to the site of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” in Jamesville. (WDN Photo/Kevin Scott Cutler)