Bartow Houston, Author at Washington Daily News - Page 44 of 61


Write Again . . . Doesn’t tradition matter?

Gray. GRAY? They now wear gray uniforms, I tell you true. “They” are the Washington High School Pam Pack track team. Lord-a-mercy. What hath follow-the-trend ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, April 20, 2015 7:01 pm


Write Again … “The river calls to me”

Write Again … “The river calls to me” Bartow Houston     There are a lot of talented people here in Beaufort County.  Now, there’s ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, April 6, 2015 9:05 pm


Write Again . . . An unsettling experience

My aim is to get this right. That is, my intention is to simply, thoughtfully, present the facts, describe the situation, in an objective manner. ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, March 30, 2015 8:39 pm


Write Again . . . We became one heartbeat

We all called him “Lip.” His last name was Lipscomb. More properly, and in a different setting, he would have been called Sergeant Lipscomb. Or ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, March 23, 2015 8:13 pm


Write Again . . . It was “to save my buddies”

My friend Jack Pyburn, himself a World War II veteran, knows that I am quite a history buff regarding that period. The World War II ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Tuesday, March 17, 2015 1:01 pm


Write Again … How good is your memory?

Alright, reader friends. How good is your memory? Your recall of advertising jingles and slogans from yesteryear? Would you like to find out? If so, ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, March 9, 2015 8:46 pm


Write Again . . . Can’t we reason together?

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, and the right of the ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, March 2, 2015 8:41 pm


Write Again . . . A life-long love affair

My friend Donald Wallace is not singing in a gospel quartet now. His baritone in “Redeemed” relocated some time ago, hence the demise of their ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, February 23, 2015 8:00 pm


Write Again . . . Now the rest of the story

Most of us are familiar with the headgear worn by U.S. Army Special Forces. The iconic green beret. There is, of course, a story about ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Monday, February 16, 2015 5:26 pm


Write Again . . . Running a herd isn’t easy

Thank you, kind readers, those of you who on occasion inquire about the status of our large ladies. You know. Our bovine beauties. Our food ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Tuesday, February 10, 2015 12:13 am

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