Bartow Houston, Author at Washington Daily News - Page 9 of 61


Write Again…How to define happiness

“Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.” So wrote Immanuel Kant. Just exactly how, or generally, would you define ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, May 10, 2023 1:19 pm


Write Again…Memories of the Outer Banks

Our little family lived on the Outer Banks for a number of years. More specifically, in Manteo, on Roanoke Island. Let me ask my Incomparable ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 4:09 pm


Write Again …An anatomy of a Southerner

The following – about we Southerners – is too good not to share with you, folks. It’s purloined from the book “South of Broad” by ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, April 26, 2023 3:00 pm


Write Again … Who are the real heroes?

Where have all the heroes gone? You may ask this, but be assured they are out there. Oh, yes. The highly talented athletes, professional, may ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 5:30 pm


Write Again…More than all other gifts

In times when you observe, feel, palpably so, so much tragedy, sadness, animus, the us-against-them dynamics, there are still those seemingly little things that can ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Friday, April 14, 2023 4:15 pm


Write Again…Simply the reality of it

As the shadows of one’s life lengthen, it is natural, I believe, to acknowledge that the one’s journey is very near to its end, I ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, April 5, 2023 1:20 pm


Write Again … A guide to Southernspeak

  Today’s column, fellow citizens, is for those good folks who have moved here from other places. You know, those who talk faster than we ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Thursday, March 30, 2023 4:36 pm


Write Again …Just puke ’em and purge ’em

Hello, everyone. Hope your week has been good. Today’s column is mostly not by me. That is, it’s some esoteric items plucked almost by random ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 4:15 pm


Write Again…Sweet memories rekindled

Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining me here today. That sentiment is genuinely sincere. Truly. Now, today’s piece is prompted by a letter I recently received. ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:07 am


Write Again …We are the beneficiaries

James Baugham, Gilbert Bonner, David Boyd, Joseph Brooks, James Carter, Horace Cowell, Allen Cuthrell, Alfred G. Davis, Edward Doughty, William B. Ebron, Hubert Ellis. Robert ... Read more

by Bartow Houston, Wednesday, March 8, 2023 1:01 pm

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