Beaufort County

Public health to spray for mosquitoes this week

The Beaufort County Public Health Department plans to begin spraying for mosquitoes this week as conditions warrant. Planned ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County has had a total of 648 people test positive for COVID-19 since March 24; 80 of ...

Beaufort County

Water-quality alert issued for Bonner Point

From Sound Rivers   Sound Rivers issued a water-quality alert for Bonner Point in Bath on Friday. Water ...


Cooper promotes food aid, says virus trends have stabilized

By DAWN BAUMGARTNER VAUGHAN The News & Observer RALEIGH(AP) — North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper toured a food ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County has had a total of 631 people test positive for COVID-19 since March 24; 20 of ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County has had a total of 610 people test positive for COVID-19 since March 24; 20 of ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County has had a total of 595 people test positive for COVID-19 since March 24; 20 of ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County has had a total of 588 people test positive for COVID-19 since March 24; 20 of ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County has confirmed 57 new COVID-19 cases since Monday. As of Friday, a total of 566 people ...

Beaufort County

COVID-19: state stats at a glance

Beaufort County had a total 553 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of Thursday, an increase of 15 overnight. There ...

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