
Write Again…A most astonishing story

Well now, Mr. Columnist, just what do you have for us today? Since you asked, I’ll tell you. ...


October memories: from candy apples to college

Oh, the October memories. It all started with thinking about a candy apple. Mrs. Carrie Blount made the ...


An enjoyable Homecoming weekend in Virginia

This is my last article on Homecoming, at least for this year. The most recent was at my ...


Reaping what’s sown

There are phrases that’s mentioned many times such as: “what comes around, goes around, and “carma is always ...


Three ways to propagate blueberry bushes

A great question came in this week about propagating blueberries. First, what is propagation? The North Carolina Extension ...


Write Again …Here’s to cheers for 50 years

  It was a weekend to remember. Oh, yes. They came from so many different places. The majority ...


Searching for a home grown success story connection

This is a repost but it is relevant, as I am in Charleston, S.C. looking for connections to a Washington ...


Preparing a feast at the Herring Club

If you were driving west on 264 last Wednesday about mid-morning, you could smell the best BBQ chicken ...


When can you eat pears?

My youngest daughter catches the bus every morning over in Smallwood. While we don’t live in Smallwood, we ...


Write Again …Time is truly on the wing

Occasions Observations – On the fifteenth of this month my Incomparable First Wife observes her birthday. And how ...

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