Latest My Turn

My Turn

‘I’ve missed that feeling of the newsprint between your fingers’

A funny thing happened recently. I looked at the back of my phone’s yellow case and noticed it ...

My Turn

Let’s make Beaufort County grow again

Several people have asked me why I haven’t written more articles about economic development. Out of the 50 ...

My Turn

Debt, taxes, and the challenge before Congress

In 1981, America’s future as the leader of the free world was in doubt. Record inflation plagued the ...

My Turn

Modest growth, resilience, and future potential in Beaufort County

Based on data collected by the Pamlico Business Resource Center, Beaufort County and the City of Washington experienced ...

My Turn

The Beaufort County Schools Health Sciences Academy

Education is a key component of economic development particularly when talking about technical education. Some of the best career ...

My Turn

What is going to happen to Taiwan?

The election ended a month ago and America has a new president in what turned out to be ...

My Turn

Winter is coming!  In fact, it’s already here

It has finally gotten cold outside. The weather has been wonderful but it eventually had to get cold. ...

My Turn

Thoughts on healthcare insurance costs

As a senior citizen, I utilize the health care system more than when I was young. When I ...

My Turn

Thoughts on elections, political contributions

I have several personal thoughts about general elections which the politicians would never support or like.  I am ...

My Turn

It’s not about the rocks

The mountains of Western North Carolina are breathtaking. Their towering peaks, rolling ridges, and lush forests have long ...

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