My Turn

‘We’ve come a long way, baby’

When I was a little girl, in the 1950s and into the 1960s, I told my father that ...

My Turn

A trip beneath the bus

This June the county commissioners finalized the budget for 2016-17. The total appropriation was $59.5 million and included ...

My Turn

Remembering Bill Iler

A little more than a year ago, my partner, Mike Wright, and I visited Bill Iler in Belhaven ...

My Turn

The Founding Fathers and the faith of a nation

It is usually around July 4 that Americans are exposed to the proposition that America was established by ...

My Turn

In the crosshairs of the county board’s political agenda

In the 2016-17 budget, Beaufort County’s commissioners have demonstrated their uncanny ability to both initiate unnecessary pet projects ...

My Turn

Maybe the county needs a little bit of growth

Latest population figures from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate Beaufort County is suffering from lack of growth with ...

My Turn

Beaufort County’s worst enemy

The Beaufort County Board of Commissioners is where both fiscal responsibility and good judgment go to die. Unfortunately, ...

My Turn

Taxes kill economies and ours is dying

The Beaufort County Board of Commissioners is discussing the proposed budget for July 1, 2016 through June 30, ...

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