My Turn

Neither Christian nor patriotic, just dangerous 

The Great Prophets of Israel understood their mission as warning their beloved nation of its fall into oblivion. ...

My Turn

Budget, tax rates always fun topics in campaign season

During campaign season, the county budget and taxes are always topics among the county commission candidates. The taxes and ...

My Turn

Housing needs for teachers, retirees and job applicants

As Carol and I have gotten older, we have looked at the possibility of downsizing and moving into ...

My Turn

Beaufort County is actually getting a brand-new school

The new combined school to replace Eastern Elementary and J.C. Tayloe will be an enormous benefit to the ...

My Turn

My pets and the Betsy Bailey Nelson Animal Control Facility

Recently, I had one of my pets die. Coco Bear, or Puddin, as we called him was 15 years ...

My Turn

Reducing rates requires nuanced approach

As a homeowner in Beaufort County, I am as upset by the rise in homeowner insurance rates as ...

My Turn

Downtown Washington, parking and handicap access to Sheriff’s Office

I think most everything Washington has done to downtown is wonderful.  It has truly turned Washington into a ...

My Turn

Rethinking parking in historic downtown: A path toward sustainable progress

Have you ever circled around Downtown Washington looking for that “perfect” parking spot? I know I sure have. ...

My Turn

The results of high inflation

When I was a little kid, about 70 years ago, my grandmother would complain about how much more ...

My Turn

About Beaufort County’s four industrial parks

Industrial parks are a way of attracting new business and industry. In Beaufort County, we now have four. ...

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