
Write Again…Those moments we remember

Goodness gracious. Is it really the weekend again? Now, let’s see what I can come up with this ...

My Turn

My experiences with video streaming

Video streaming is the continuous transmission of video files from a server directly to your TV by a ...


MLK Day shows the power of a dream

On Monday, January 15, our nation observed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in honor of and to ...


The year I met a surfer on the football field

After high school, I attended prep school because my grades were not very good. This is where I ...

My Turn

Paramedic service in Beaufort County

Several years ago, my wife fell against the bed and appeared to stop breathing.  I pulled her away ...


Turn to the Lord during crisis and chaos

By Alan Neale I recently began a sermon talking about the ways in which Christmas and New Year ...


Write Again…Truly he was one of a kind

Today’s monograph, friends, is about one of the most famous men of his time. Almost unbelievably famous. It’s ...


When old memories lead to new discoveries

I have been enjoying the holidays travelling and visiting with friends and family, so I am sharing a ...


Learning to compete was a valuable life lesson

Older boys in our neighborhood were responsible for our competitive spirit. From the likes of Marshall Todd Singleton ...


Embrace the day despite the pain

Pain is an inescapable reality for humanity. It’s been with us since birth, from that first moment a ...

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