My Turn

15th Street traffic and safety concerns

I’ve had the honor to live in the Washington area for the last 38 years. I came to Washington ...


Write Again…A cautionary tale for us? Grief   Surely it is one of humankind’s most powerful emotions. Depending upon ...


Everybody likes a good what if

Kudos to the Washington Kiwanis Club and all the other folks who worked behind the scenes to bring ...


The Christmas gift that keeps on giving

The Christmas season brings back so many memories. The memories of my elders sitting around talking and sharing ...


The parade sparked Christmas memories a little early

If a person does not believe the Christmas season is near, then they missed the Kiwanis Christmas Parade ...


Advent proclaims the end and the beginning

When I was about 15 years old, my buddy and I had what most would consider a bad ...


My Amaryllis has bloomed, now what?

I was talking with someone from Washington Park last week and she asked me, “What do you do ...


Write Again…It was once in a lifetime

The day before this column was written, Rosalyn Carter died. We learned that she haddementia, and was being ...


Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was nice?

I want to give a very special thank you to Margaret (Meg) Howdy, Director of the Washington Harbor ...


A Thanksgiving road trip to Maryland

I was picked up in Williamston by my son, Will and his family and driven to Berlin, Maryland ...

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