
Write Again … A guide to Southernspeak

  Today’s column, fellow citizens, is for those good folks who have moved here from other places. You ...


My sister sure could whack a whiffle ball

Keith Roach mentioned to me the other day that my sister Rose Ann was the best whiffle ball ...


What if we used our commonalities to do good things?

I’ve had some wonderful days last week at the Washington Waterfront Underground Railroad Museum, meeting people from all ...


Beauty and love can save the world

By Chris Adams I pulled up to my house late earlier this week, and as the headlights of ...


Protecting your peaches during a cold snap

By Gene Fox My Mam & Pap always said if March comes in like a lion, she goes ...


Write Again …Just puke ’em and purge ’em

Hello, everyone. Hope your week has been good. Today’s column is mostly not by me. That is, it’s ...


Washington’s role on the Underground Railroad

Two years ago, Milt and I, along with his cousins Emma and Sarah, were blessed to attend the ...


March memories that include freezing on the field

Last week I was standing in the bitter cold umpiring three baseball and softball games and wondering why ...


Light travelers go far

In the adolescent world many friends are taking on, each of them have different agendas, different outlooks on ...


Write Again…Sweet memories rekindled

Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining me here today. That sentiment is genuinely sincere. Truly. Now, today’s piece is ...

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