
How to start a small business in 2022

The past two years we have found ourselves in a whole new way of life. Especially at work. ...


Perseverance is part of new life

Christians don’t have a religious monopoly on the idea of ‘new life.’ Each tradition uses different words and ...


Write Again…The girl in the red coat

The name Olivia Dabrowska is, quite probably, unfamiliar to you. It certainly was to me. You see, as ...


Small businesses thrive on community support

Despite the competition from large retailers, small businesses are thriving and still make up 99.7% of U.S. employer ...


The Robinsons have always liked Monday

My father ran Roberson’s Cleaners for forty-plus years and there was not anything he could not do at ...


The more we get together

By the end of this blessed Easter weekend, my heart was filled with joy and two songs resounded ...


Write Again…When Books Went to War

Not that my interests are of any significance to others, but I think, maybe that my almost life-long ...


Holy Saturday-the space between death and resurrection

You’ll be reading this in print the day before Easter, perhaps earlier online, so I trust you have ...


Do your own thing, join the gig economy

The gig economy is a labor market in which workers are hired on a contract basis, instead of ...


Rotary phones, not the Rotary club

I was at the museum the other day trying to find an app on my phone when an 11-year-old visitor named Brynn asked me ...

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