My Turn

Priscilla Modlin: Inmates need more resources, support

The reason so many people are repeat offenders is they are already broken. They have been set up ...


Patience and flexibility help make the season bright

We are officially in the strange time and space between Christmas celebrations and the parties of New Year’s ...


Looking backward and forward makes me dizzy

Here we are again. Ready to welcome yet another new year, while reflecting on the events of the ...


Here’s to you, 2022

Last year for my column for the New Year, I wrote about the traditions my family and neighbors had while I was growing ...


All of us can help make the world a better place

If you haven’t heard of the Christmas Truce of 1914, here’s the Spark Notes version. Along the Western ...


“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”

Eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was ...


Washington Christmases Past

During this Christmas season, I would like to share some of the Washington Christmas traditions from the early ...


The greatest gift

As I think about Christmas and all that it means, I realize the gift of God’s love through His ...


Self-care is okay during the holidays

Holidays are hard under normal circumstances. Among other things, we must contend with the anxiety over wrapping presents, ...

My Turn

Charles Smith: Our visit to Sen. Bob Dole’s office

By CHARLES MICHAEL SMITH It wasn’t planned but I’m so glad it happened. We were being given a ...

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