Latest Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

It’s more than beer, picnics and baseball games

To the Editor: Daily News readers might find what the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ...

Letters to the Editor

On mixing religion and politics

Dear Editor: Recent letters to the editor discuss the merits of religion being involved in politics. I would ...

Letters to the Editor

Responding to criticism of Christian Nationalism commentary

Dear Editor: This is in response to Hood Richardson’s recent Letter to the Editor (April 4, 2024) concerning ...

Letters to the Editor

Foolish commentary on Christian Nationalism

Dear Editor: What a foolish commentary on Christian Nationalism as in appeared in the March 23 publication of ...

Letters to the Editor

Culpepper column goes far astray

Dear Editor: I am mystified by the article published in the March 23 edition of the Washington Daily ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Response to ’Setting the Record(s) Straight’

To the Editor: This is my response to the article about Carolyn Garris appearing on the front page ...

Letters to the Editor

NC House Rep. wrong about Trump, service members

To the editor: On election day for the Biden Trump election in November 2020, I was giving out Democrat ...

Letters to the Editor

Community came together to show love to ’Sweetie Girl’

To the Editor, A beloved member of Goose Creek left us on Thursday, Sept. 7 known as “Sweetie ...

Letters to the Editor

What does “disaffiliation” mean and what does it have to do with FUMC Washington?

Dear Editor: First, a little background. The United Methodist Church is a “connectional” church, which means that each ...

Letters to the Editor

This Earth Day, act locally, think globally

To the Editor: Fifty years ago, Congress embarked on an ambitious effort to improve and protect water quality ...

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