
Write Again…It was once in a lifetime

The day before this column was written, Rosalyn Carter died. We learned that she haddementia, and was being ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Response to ’Setting the Record(s) Straight’

To the Editor: This is my response to the article about Carolyn Garris appearing on the front page ...


Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was nice?

I want to give a very special thank you to Margaret (Meg) Howdy, Director of the Washington Harbor ...


A Thanksgiving road trip to Maryland

I was picked up in Williamston by my son, Will and his family and driven to Berlin, Maryland ...


Making the world a kinder place one choice at a time

By Chris Adams Thanksgiving has come and gone by the time you’ve read this article. But I’m writing ...


Taking care of your Christmas tree

Thanksgiving just passed, which means Christmas is around the corner. My family traditionally decorates for Christmas the weekend ...


Write Again…A caveat and concerns

A CLEAR CAVEAT – “When the one great scorer comes to mark against your name, he writes notthat ...

My Turn

Consider the children, how they die

While growing up in the 1950s, my mother and father insisted that my siblings and I attend Sunday ...


Forcing Thanksgiving or Christmas Cacti to rebloom

The Christmas cactus is a traditional and very festive gift this time of year. We browse by them ...


The power of family

Family is one of the greatest gifts God gave to man, it alludes to our beginning.  Every individual ...

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