
How to handle fire ants

Going out this past weekend to work on the yard, I noticed several new fire ant mounds that ...


Write Again … That’s simply not who I am

Clothes. Oh, my. There have been times, many times, over the years, when our girls have just about ...


Easy like Sunday morning

On Sunday morning before Milt and I started our vacation, we stopped by the Washington Waterfront Underground Railroad ...


Remembering how we beat the heat

With the hot and humid weather we have experienced, it not hard to think back to the days ...


Write Again …An unforgettable character

Freddy King. You never knew him. Never heard of him. For those of us, probably in the thousands, ...


On the receiving end of care

For the last 20 days, I’ve been held captive by Doctor’s Orders and stuck in my house, recuperating ...


Remembering John Respess McClaud

My friend Stephen Ferrell, the Reference Specialist/Genealogist at Brown Library, recently shared news clippings about John Respess McClaud, ...


The history of old Washington theaters

The last few weeks before school opening meant big changes for my waning summer routine. One of the ...


What Is Prayer?

By Ann-Marie Montegue A good question, but not really hard to answer. My kindergarten teacher, Sister Stella, defined ...


Spotted Lanternfly confirmed in North Carolina

Most of us tend to save our vacation time for summer travel and fun. My family usually spends ...

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