Scuppernong Reminder


Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) is a native wetland shrub that is blooming on Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. The white spherical ...

Scuppernong Reminder

North American River Otter

At New Inlet, on Pea Island Refuge, this sequential series of photos shows a North American River Otter ...

Scuppernong Reminder

Soybean field

These soybean plants in a field west of Columbia were treated with an aerial application of insecticide on ...

Scuppernong Reminder

Tyrrell Visitor Center bathrooms included in judge’s order

U.S. District Court Judge Thomas D. Schroeder on July 23 declared that bathrooms and other “public facilities” under ...

Scuppernong Reminder

McClees family holds reunion in Tyrrell

Forty-two members of the McClees family gathered at Norman Smith Legion Beach on Albemarle Sound on July 20. ...

Scuppernong Reminder

National Night Out

National Night Out will be observed in Columbia on August 6. There will be a dunking booth, local ...

Scuppernong Reminder

Tyrrell property tax bills have been mailed

Property tax bills for about 4,300 parcels in Tyrrell County were mailed to landowners in mid-July. The bills ...

Scuppernong Reminder

Thomas Lee “Tommy” Woolard

PLYMOUTH — Thomas Lee “Tommy” Woolard, 81, of Plymouth died Sunday, July 21, 2019, at Vidant Roanoke Chowan ...

Scuppernong Reminder

Lora Lee Stotesbury Furlough Luton

PLYMOUTH — Lora Lee Stotesbury Furlough Luton, 77, of Plymouth died Tuesday, July 23, 2019, at Roanoke Landing ...

Scuppernong Reminder

Edenton driver license office closed for repairs

EDENTON — The Edenton driver license office, at 307 W. Freemason Street., is closed for interior and roof repairs. ...

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