Home & Real Estate

Market Street home a throwback to a bygone era

From rural to city, now to one of the more notable historic properties in Washington, Greg Purser and ...

Home & Real Estate

New homeowner tackling renovations one at a time

Jen Hudson is a runner. Every Saturday morning, rain or shine, she can be found running the local ...

Home & Real Estate

Downsizing trend not just for baby boomers

It started a couple of decades ago: houses getting larger and larger; the acreage they sat on, the ...

Home & Real Estate

Interior design trends toward a relaxed, softer feel

They’re the colors of nature, of sky and sand and waves seen on a walk down the ocean ...

Home & Real Estate

Generations of past owners gather a historic home

Every home has a history, but so rarely is a history on display as it was at the ...

Home & Real Estate

One of Beaufort County’s best summer treats in season

Tucked into backyards across Beaufort County is a bush whose fruit is the is the fodder for many ...

Home & Real Estate

Respess Street house a model of early 20th-century style

The land on Respess Street was once part of the Winslow farm, located just north of downtown Washington. ...

Home & Real Estate

Hot weather calls for careful gardening

To gardeners, the arrival of hot, 90-degree summer days translates into a shift in the normal gardening routine. ...

Home & Real Estate

Downtown construction booming on the water

Take a stroll down Water Street in the midday of midweek, and it might not be such a ...

Home & Real Estate

Old house, new purpose — community living for female veterans

It’s weathered and wilting — this circa-1890s farmhouse. Inside, it’s dusty with disuse; outside, the paint has worn ...

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